Great article! Malaysian Hokkien speaker here. And coincidentally, for a persona project, I just interviewed a Teochew speaker from Cambodia who had grown up abroad. Lots of very interesting details cropped up, like the word "ma-ta" for "policeman" which is strangely common among Teochew speakers in Thailand and Cambodia despite being a Malay loanword! Apparently even Thais speakers now use "maa-taa" as a derogatory word for "police"! Also, Sinitic languages (or dialects, as some people call them) are gradually dying out in Malaysia, although at a slower pace than Singapore. In Penang and Northern Malaysia, Teochew has been converging with Hokkien, most speakers here also say "za1 bhou2". I'm currently studying the various Min dialects and subdialects, for example the different varieties of Hokkien spoken in Malaysia, Singapore and Taiwan.