Member-only story
Eine Nouvelle Pubblicazione voor Amantes von Languages.
If you can understand the title, then this publication is perfect for you!
Greetings, 您好, Merhaba, Bonjour, Guten Tag, Buenos días !
De Linguis (Latin for “about languages”) is a space for language lovers, learners, teachers, hobbyists and those who work with languages on a daily basis.
Got a funny language story? An embarrassing language-related incident? See if you can beat this one: One day I almost rolled over laughing when an American friend told me how, during a Spanish class discussion on hobbies, she had proudly declared that her passion was riding “caballeros” (gentlemen) instead of “caballos” (horses)! Upon realising what she’d said, she turned bright red, and then apologised by telling everyone she was “muy embarazada” (very pregnant) since obviously she thought the Spanish word for “pregnant” (embarazada) was somehow related to the English “embarrassed”!
How about language learning tips? Share your ideas on how to make learning a language easier. Tell us about an emotional language-related story that touched you. Discuss grammar and morphology, weird spellings in different languages, words that have no translation in English (how on Earth does one translate “saudade” into English from Portuguese?).